Mogai Genders Wiki

the neutrois flag

Jules James Neutrois

Jules/James Gray's neutrois flag

AriMations Neutrois

AriMations' neutrois flag

Neutrois is a non-binary gender identity that is associated with having a neutral or null gender. It is an umbrella term, with each person experiencing neutrois differently. Common definitions include feeling neutrally gendered- feeling neither male, female, nor anything in between, but still feeling strongly gendered (similar to maverique or aporagender). Another common definite is feeling null-gendered, genderless or agender- some genderless individuals may identify as both agender and neutrois, while others may prefer one term or the other. Neutrois and agender are occasionally used interchangeably. Neutrois individuals may also identify as transgender.

Neutrois vs. Agender[]

There is little agreement about the difference between terms such as agender and neutrois/gender neutral. Some people use these terms interchangeably, but for others there is a difference between these terms. It is often said that agender is the experience of having no gender at all, whereas neutrois is the experience of having a gender identity, but that gender identity is not male/masculine or female/feminine, but instead neutral.


The word neutrois was coined by a neutrois person named H. A. Burnham, in 1995[1]. The word neutrois is presumably made from a combination of the French word neutre, meaning "neutral" or "neuter," and French trois, "three," as in third gender.

Flag and Symbols[]

The colors meaning of the neutrois flag are as follows: White represents being neutral, unidentified, or questioning gender. Dark chartreuse green is the inverse of lavender, a mix of pink and blue, showing that is not female or male. Black is for being agender or genderless.

The neutrois/gender neutral symbol appears to have been designed by a group of non-binary Brazilians in 2014.[2] It is similar in design to the male and female symbols, with a circle and a line (⚲), but it lacks any prongs, showing that it is a null or neutral gender. The symbol can be shown facing upwards or downwards. Agender symbols are sometimes used interchangeably as neutrois symbols.

File:Neutrois symbol.png

The neutrois symbol. Unicode: U+26B2 ⚲

