Mogai Genders Wiki
Mogai Genders Wiki
ICanEatWater Libragender

ICanEatWater's libragender flag

Libragender is an identity that is mostly agender, but has a partial connection to another gender. Libragender people tend to feel between 1-49% of a connection to another gender. Libragender is similar to demigender, the difference being that libragender people are partially a given gender and partially agender, while demigender people can be partially any genders, agender does not necessarily have to be included. Libragender can also be an identity in itself, for people who are mostly agender but feel a slight connection to the concept of gender. Libragender people often identify as non-binary, and may also identify as transgender.

Theoretically, any gender can have a libragender version of it, in which one is mostly agender but partially said gender. Some of the most common libragenders include:

  • Librafeminine, in which one is mostly agender but experiences a small attachment to femininity.
  • Libramasculine, in which one is mostly agender but experiences a small attachment to masculinity.
  • Libranonbinary, in which one is mostly agender but experiences a small attachment to a non-binary gender.
  • Librafluid (also known as agenderflux), in which one is mostly agender, but has a partial connection to a gender that fluctuates.


The flag was designed by Wikia FANDOM user Icaneatwater on February 18, 2021.

  • Black represents lack of gender
  • Gray represents partial lack of gender
  • Blue represents masculinity, miaspec, and masculine genders
  • Pink represents femininity, fiaspec, and feminine genders
  • Yellow represents genders that are neither feminine nor masculine