Mogai Genders Wiki

the cakegender flag

Cakegender is a gastrogender that is related to cake, and is soft and fluffy like cake. It can also be sweet or warm. Cakegender can also come in different "flavors" which could change how the gender feels. You could also feel as your gender tastes like cake. One who is cakegender may also feel their gender, or "flavors", are layered, similar to layered cake.

Similar genders include cakeinac.


  • Cakegenderflux
  • Chocolatecakegender
  • Cupcakegender
  • Rainbowcakegender
  • Vanillacakegender
  • Icecreamcakegender


Cakegenderflux or Cakeflux is a gender like cakegender that can be fluffy, soft, and warm like cake, but like genderflux, its connection to cake fades and fluctuates in intensity.

The term cakegenderflux was coined by FANDOM user Unicornian on the 19th of March 2021. The cakegenderflux flag was created by FANDOM user Unfunny person420 on March 19, 2021. the orange, light orange, and white stripes represent the soft layers of cakegender, and the flowing colors in the middle represent the intensity in which it fluctuates.


Cakegender was coined by Tumblr user Chern-0-Byl on or before May 1, 2018. The flag was designed by Tumblr user Kyressin at the same time.
